Invitation for the Romanian school in LED

Invitation for the Romanian school for the first visit in LED, Lodz, Poland

Gimnazjum im.Władysława Stanisława Reymonta
w Wiączyniu Dolnym
92-701 Łódź, Wiączyń Dolny 18
tel. 042 648 40 74, 042 671 31 34, fax.(0-42) 648 40 74

To the kind attention of the Director
Mr Radu Valer Rus
Liceul Ortodox Episcop Roman Ciorogariu


The students of Liceul Ortodox Episcop Roman Ciorogariu are kindly invited to participate in the ERASMUS+ meeting of the Project "Let`s Enjoy Dialoguing", 2016-1-ES01-KA219-024923_5 held in Wiączyń Dolny (Łódź), Poland from 5th  to 9th December 2016.

1. Ariana Porcis
2. Ariana Torj
3. Adriana Junc

Jolanta Harasimiuk
Wiączyń Dolny, 8 November 2016
Gimnazjum im.Władysława Stanisława Reymonta
w Wiączyniu Dolnym
92-701 Łódź, Wiączyń Dolny 18
tel. 042 648 40 74, 042 671 31 34, fax.(0-42) 648 40 74

To the kind attention of the Director
Mr Radu Valer Rus
Liceul Ortodox Episcop Roman Ciorogariu

The Erasmus Plus staff of the Liceul Ortodox Episcop Roman Ciorogariu is kindly invited to participate in the meeting of the Project "Let`s Enjoy Dialoguing", 2016-1-ES01-KA219-024923_5 held in Wiączyń Dolny (Łódź), Poland from 5th  to 9th December 2016.

1. Florin Alin Oros               
2. Gabriela Maria Cadar

Jolanta Harasimiuk

Wiączyń Dolny, 8 November 2016